Middle East Football News — BabaGol

South America

Jorman Campuzano's Way Up

Jorman Campuzano's Way Up

A family that refused to support his career, sleeping in the streets, selling his cellphone to fund his way back home, and then a lucrative move to Atletico Nacional, the Colombian national team and Boca Juniors. As the new Argentinean season is kicking-off this weekend, Campuzano is one of the most exciting prospects to pay attention to.

Yeison Guzmán: Baba Scouted

Yeison Guzmán: Baba Scouted

Yeison Guzmán is one of the more enjoyable players to watch in Colombian football nowadays. Playing for the club that nurtured James Rodriguez, Giovani Moreno and Dorlan Pabon make Guzmán an attractive player for every club that looks for an attacker with excellent technical qualities, and a player that plays with the ball glued to his feet.